Hugs, Reunions, and Shortcake at Strawberry Festival

We were thrilled to welcome so many alumni home to PMFS at Strawberry Festival this year!
We were thrilled to welcome so many alumni home to PMFS at Strawberry Festival this year!
From the alumni tent on the blacktop, we heard wonderful stories from Plymouth grads. Some have stayed friends with their Mexican buddies for over 40 years, some came as far as Chicago to reunite with their old classmates, and some are proud to be sending their own children to PMFS. We even met somebody bringing home a whole tray of strawberry shortcake for the alumni in their family who couldn't be at the festival!
The class of 2017 enjoyed a special reunion and ice cream sundae bar to celebrate their high school graduations. They loved catching up with their Fifth Grade teacher Leann Stover Nyce and Fourth Grade teacher Will Starr (who planned ahead and wore their class' Circus shirt). The class laughed and reminisced as they looked through old yearbooks and watched a DVD of their Circus performance.
Thanks to all the alumni, alumni parents, and former PMFS teachers who came to Strawberry Festival, and lots who volunteered! It was so healing to have our whole community together again.

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